Virtual Tape Machines - Slate Digital.
plugin ini adalah plugin yg di gunakan untuk meng analogkan suara untuk diproses menjadi analog tape. plugin ini sangat di gunakan di enginer dunia. penjelasannya segitu aja,... hahahahaha. pokoknya di coba ajah biar ngga penasaran. hehehe
To capture the sound of tape is to capture a living, breathing sound that dynamically reacts to the music going on to it. Slate Digital Chief Technology Officer Fabrice Gabriel utilized his electrical engineering degree as a foundation for a comprehensive study of the physical processes that occur when recording to analog tape through a tape machine. What began with science led to Fabrice’s discovery of the seemingly magical properties of tape, and inspired him to create his most advanced and dynamic algorithms yet. Two industry-standard machines were precisely modeled, after which followed a year of critical listening and algorithm tweaking, with some help from the expert ears of Slate Digital CEO, Steven Slate.
Minimum System
- Quad Core i5 Processor
- 4GB of RAM
- Mac OS X 10.7 or Later
- Windows 7 & Above
- iLok2 Required
langsung saja ke TKP biar ngga penasaran hehehehe :D
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